Battus philenor, by Kevin Roddy


Battus philenor caterpillar – artwork by Sonoma Mendez on Leah’s fingernails
















Thank you for your interest in research training in my laboratory.  Although I am continuing to take on new undergraduate student researchers, and also postdoctoral researchers, I will not be taking on any new graduate students (MS or PhD).

My philosophy of working with students has evolved to emphasize flexibility – different models work best with different students.  Some students in my lab work on questions and systems that are very close to my own research interests; these students may be supported by research grants that I have authored. Other students work on topics that are farther from my own research, and are funded by fellowships or by research grants that they take the lead in writing (often with my help, but with me playing only a supporting role).  In either case, I think it is essential that students have the intellectual freedom to develop their own plan of research.

I try to provide constructive feedback on all aspects of a student’s research and professional development.  I also encourage my students to capitalize on the tremendous intellectual community of the Davis campus; this is a great place to study ecology and evolutionary biology.

Finally, I am proud to have trained students with diverse career goals.  Of the 31 students or postdoctoral researchers who have worked in my laboratory group, 13 are currently in professorial positions, 7 are in the private sector (most doing research, but 2 recent PhD recipients have founded their own companies), one is working for a non-profit conservation agency, one is working for the State of California as a scientific advisor focused on invasive species, one is working as a researcher at an international agricultural research institute, and 7 are currently in postdoctoral researcher positions.  Thus, while academia is still the commonest career goal, my lab members have also thrived in other diverse career paths.  I think this is a positive aspect of work on insect ecology: it is relevant beyond the Ivory Tower.

Asilid eating H. convergens-1 (YHL)-low resPhoto credit: Yao Hua Law