Nicholas Booster

M.Sc. Entomology (2015-2019)

Post-UC position: Technical Support, Novogene

We miss you Nick.


Bodil Cass (and her daughter Zara)

Postdoctoral Researcher (2016-2020)

Current Position:  Assistant Professor of Extension, University of California Riverside





Jorge Cisneros

M.Sc. Plant Protection and Pest Management Graduate Group (1995-1997)

Current Position: Manager, Research and Development, Syngenta Crop Protection



Ramana Colfer (that’s Jennifer pictured too)

Ph.D. Population Biology Graduate Group (1994-2001)

Current Position: Director of Research, Mission Organics, Inc.



Timothy Collier

Postdoctoral Researcher (1994-1996)

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming



Andrew Corbett

Postdoctoral Researcher (1992-1996)

Current Position: Analyst, UC Davis Medical Center, Betty I Moore Nursing School (congratulations on your retirement, Andrew!)




Michael Culshaw-Maurer

Ph.D. Ecology (2015-2021)

Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at CyVerse and The Carpentries




Sara Emery

Postdoctoral Researcher (2021-2023; co-advised by Daniel Karp)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Cornell University




Andrew Forbes

Postdoctoral Researcher (2008-2010)

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Iowa



Valérie Fournier

Ph.D. Plant Sciences (1999-2003)

Current Position: Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Laval University



Jason Harmon

Postdoctoral Researcher (2003-2005)

Current Position: Associate Professor, North Dakota State University






George Heimpel

Ph.D. Entomology Graduate Program (1991-1995)

Current Position: Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota





Sarina Jepsen

M.Sc. Entomology Graduate Program (2004-2006)

Current Position: Endangered Species Program Director, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation



Hanna Kahl

Ph.D. Entomology Graduate Program (2018-2021)

Current Position: Ecological Pest Management Program Specialist, Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF)



Billy Krimmel

Ph.D. Ecology Graduate Group (2009-2014)

Founder, Miridae (an innovative restoration landscaping company)




Robert Lalonde

Postdoctoral Researcher (1993)

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Physical Geography, University of British Columbia, Okanagan




Gail Langellotto

Postdoctoral Researcher (2002-2003)

Current Position: Professor, Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University




Yao Hua Law

Ph.D. Entomology Graduate Program (2006-2010)

Current Position: Freelance Science Writer, Radio Producer, Malaysia

Science blog: ||  Journalism portfolio:

George Livingston

Postdoctoral Researcher (2014-2015)

Current Position: Nature-based Solutions Manager for Cargill in Minneapolis.  I am part of the global sustainability strategy team, working to end tropical deforestation and biodiversity loss in their supply chains. The focus areas are soy, oil palm and cocoa.



Teresa Leonardo

Ph.D. Population Biology Graduate Group (1996-2004)

Current Position: Senior Director Grants Projects, National Geographic Society




Christopher Matthews (the little blond fellow is Chris’ son, James)

M.Sc. Integrated Pest Management Graduate Group (2004-2006)

Current position: General Manager, Garroutte Farms, Inc.



Matthew Meisner

M.Sc. Statistics (2011-2013)

Ph.D. Population Biology Graduate Group (2011-2015)

Co-Founder, and Head of Data Analytics, Farmer’s Business Network


Edward Mondor

Postdoctoral Researcher (2002)

Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University


Brook Murphy

Ph.D. Entomology Graduate Program (1990-1995)

Current Position: Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Sacramento





Erik Nelson

Ph.D. Population Biology Graduate Group (1996-2003)

Current Position: Adjunct Faculty, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Dominican University



Tobin Northfield

Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2013)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Washington State University




Paul Ode (and that’s Meena pictured too)

Postdoctoral Researcher (1994-1996)

Current Position: Professor, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University



Soroush Parsa

Ph.D. Graduate Group in Ecology (2006-2009)

Current Position: Lead Innovation Scientist, International Potato Center, CGIAR


Asaf Sadeh

Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2014)

Current position: Research Scientist, Volcani Center (Agricultural Research Organization, Israel)





Moran Segoli

Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2011)

Current position: Research Scientist, Ramat Negev Research & Development, Israel



Michal Segoli

Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2013)

Current position: Senior Lecturer, Department of Life Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel




Maggie Sherriffs

MS Population Biology (2005-2010).

Current position: Program Manager, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara





Frances Sivakoff

Ph.D. Graduate Group in Ecology (2006-2011)

Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Ohio State University, Marion






Kenneth Spence

Ph.D. Entomology Graduate Program (2000-2007)

Current Position: Director of Legislation and Policy, California Department of Pesticide Regulation






Lawrence Wilhoit  (that’s Larry on the left)

Postdoctoral Researcher (1991-1993)

Recently retired from the California Environmental Protection Agency





Terri Young

M.Sc. Entomology Graduate Program (1995-1997)


Ash Zemenick

Ph.D. Ecology Graduate Group (2011-2017)

Current Position: Station Manager, Sagehen Creek Field Station, University of California Natural Reserve System




Andrew Zink

Postdoctoral Researcher (2002-2007)

Current Position: Professor, Department of Biology, San Francisco State University



Ash’s dog, Cosmo, photographed by Ash at Sagehen Creek, July 2021


Jepson Prairie (vernal pools habitat and part of the UC Nature Reserve System)

Jepson Prairie (vernal pools habitat and part of the UC Nature Reserve System)