When I’m not working, I spend my time with my family. Here they are — watch them grow!
Hillel (21 months) with his newborn baby sister Leah (1 day) and mother Shulamit
Hillel (3), Leah (1), and Shulamit
Eitan (3 months) makes his appearance
Hillel (4), Leah (2), Eitan (not quite 1), and Frankie-Joe (our neighbor’s dog)
Meirav (1 week); our family is complete
Meirav (2) (I guess it’s good practice to clean faces before taking pictures)
Here is a series of pictures taken in 2011 at Cape Cod:
Meirav (5) and Jay at Cape Cod
Eitan (7) at Cape Cod
Leah (9) with her cousin Ellen at Cape Cod
Hillel (11) at Cape Cod
Meirav (8)
Eitan (10)
Leah (12) [Leah, who is now 21, does commissioned watercolor paintings of California plants and animals. If you are interested in having an illustration done for a scientific paper or a seminar presentation, check out Leah’s web-site)
Hillel (14) (give that guy a haircut!)
Here they are as of springtime, 2016:
Meirav (10), Eitan (12), and Leah (14)
Hillel (16)
Meirav (12), Hillel (18) and our family friend Ozgur
Eitan (14) playing ultimate frisbee
Leah (16) playing ultimate frisbee
Hillel (18) playing ultimate frisbee
Shulamit playing ultimate frisbee
I get to play too . . .
Here is an impressive birch sawfly caterpillar we discovered in the Adirondacks, New York (3 Aug 2018)
And, here’s the evidence supporting the idea that the 2018 crop of wild blueberries at Blue Mountain Lake (Adirondacks, New York) was excellent.
Some updates: Here is Meirav, age 13, practicing her ballet
Leah, on the night before she shipped out east to start at Binghamton University, holding a parting gift from our artistic neighbor, Kevin Roddy
Whole family, July 2023 at Long Lake, NY